Different pokemon x and y
Different pokemon x and y

different pokemon x and y different pokemon x and y

From now, you have the ability to customise your trainer's wardrobe with various clothes you purchase and find throughout the Kalos region. So far, the only Pokémon with exclusive Mega Evolutions are Mew and Charizard, whose X and Y forms prioritise different stats - Mega Mewtwo Y has a bit of a quiff going on and boasts an increased Special Attack, whilst Mega Mewtwo X looks like a beefed up version of a regular Mewtwo with a beefed up Attack stat to match. A feature, first introduced within Pokmon Battle Revolution, makes its triumphant return in Pokmon X & Y with major results. The main requirement for a Mega Evolution is that your Pokémon holds the relevant stone, which is where the versions differ - you see, certain stones can only be found in Pokémon X, while others are locked to Pokémon Y. Kind of a continuation of the version-exclusive Pokémon from before, both Pokémon X and Y will also have their own special Mega Evolutions - a phenomenon that occurs when trainers and their Pokémon are in perfect harmony during a battle, which causes the Pokémon in question to transform into a much more powerful version. Meanwhile, the X folks get their own Fairy type in the form of the funny faced puffball Swirlix (the 'Cotton Candy' Pokémon), alongside the bright blue lobster Clauncher, a water type. Pokémon Y-ers can nab themselves the tiny pink bird Spritzee, a cute little Fairy-type described as the 'Perfume Pokémon' (pictured below, along with the rest), and a rather ugly beast, the dual Poison/Water type, Skrelp, apparently reminiscent of a rotting piece of Kelp - you can see why they chose to bundle him alongside a sweet-smelling 'mon, anyway. So far, we only know of four Pokémon that will be divided up like this, with two on each of the games, although there are enough similarities between them you wouldn't feel particularly short-changed even if you missed out.

#Different pokemon x and y series

Usually, there's more than just the legendary Pokémon that are specific to a single version - to help encourage trading between players/sell more copies of the game to OCD completionists, Nintendo usually make it so a handful of critters can only be found on one or the other. Pokemon introduced a lot with Gen 6 and like every installment in the series it made Pokemon X and Y different enough that it could be noticed but overall, they were the same. Notice how the shapes of the legendaries vaguely resemble the letters too The other Pokémon In the first generation there were only 15 different types. Thing is, he looks more than a little bit creepy, with the ends of his wings and tail looking like massive hands - personally, we'd probably side with Xerneas for this one. Mega Charizard from Pokemon X is blue and changes from a fire and flying type Pokemon to a fire and dragon type Pokemon. Pokemon X and Y adds an all new Fairy-type, and a few former types have reconfigured defenses. For Pokémon X, you get the rainbow-antlered deer, Xerneas, who's one of the new dragon-proof Fairy types we keep hearing about, whilst those picking up Pokémon Y get the angry red bird thing, Yveltal, who's a deadly dual Dark and Flying type. A super rare and super powerful 'mon that usually plays an integral role in the story, each game has a different star - and there's only one of them to catch in each game.

different pokemon x and y

Perhaps the most obvious difference between the two editions, besides the box art, are that each has their own exclusive 'Legendary' Pokémon. That said, we do at least have a few things to go on to help sway our decision one way or the other. There are also differnt mega evolutions for certain ones, like Mega Charizard X, Mega Mewtwo X and Mega Tyranitar (to name a few) for only X, while Mega Charizard Y, Mega Mewtwo Y, and Mega Gengar (again, just to name a few) only for Y. Being an incredibly shallow Pokémon player, we pretty much always used to base our decision on which Pokémon game had the highest concentration of cute Pokémon - but with what we suspect is only a partial list of exclusive critters, it makes the decision that much harder. The main Difference are the 2 main legendaries, Xerneas for X and Yveltal for Y.

different pokemon x and y

But with Pokémon X and Y ushering in a new era for the series, Nintendo are planning a simultaneous worldwide release for the first time ever. Making a much heralded return to pull as much nostalgia out. With the previous games, it's always been a lot easier to talk about each version's differences, as they were usually out in Japan for months before they made it to the West. In Pokmon X & Y you arent given the choice for just one set of starters, but two. The super cute Pokémon Amie mode lets you play with your Pokémon!

Different pokemon x and y