Specter Lotus: Found in center and North-west of Gloomy Forest.Silver Lotus: Found in few places at South-west of Gloomy Forest.Violet Clover: Found all around in Gloomy Forest.Bloodvine: Found mostly in center of Gloomy Forest, near tree roots.Nocturnal Jade: Found all around in Gloomy Forest.Alven'shar: Found in the Welkin Castle instance.Golden Lily: Found at East part of Lunagrant Woodland.Windsong Mum: Found at North part of Lunagrant Woodland.Rosemary: Found all around in Lunagrant Woodland.Violet Rose: Found all around in Lunagrant Woodland.Game Gorogoa of Buried Signal has 4,634 user reviews for this game are positive. Agimony: Found all around in Lunagrant Woodland. Game Gorogoa had thousands of players online from all over the world.
Desert Rose: Found mostly in North-west parts of Sea of Oblivion. Flaming Lotus: Found at several spots in Lost Lighthouse instance. Golden Vine: Has very few spawn spots in Sea of Oblivion, near building walls. Cactus: Can be found in several desert parts west from River Issih in Sea of Oblivion. Hyacinth: Found mostly in Western parts of Sea of Oblivion, near tree roots. Sleeping Lotus: Found floating in the water of Sea of Oblivion, at Immaculate Oasis and Pond of Tears. Violet Kelp: Found in underwater areas in Kalaires Plain and Sea of Oblivion. Parchment Grass: Found in East side of Sea of Oblivion, near River Issih. Date Palm: Found around River Issih and some oasis in Sea of Oblivion. Peace Lily: Found in Fort Rotulor instance, in Kalaires Plain. Lavender: Found all over Kalaires Plain. Wild Rose: Found all over Kalaires Plain. Collecting herbs and flowers 2 or more levels below your Botanist Job gives you no EXP at all. Collecting herbs and flowers at a level lower then your Botanist Job gives you 1 EXP. Note: Collecting herbs and flowers at the same level of your Botanist Job gives you 2 EXP. You can gain Job EXP by gathering flowers and herbs.įlowers and herbs gathered by Botanists are used by Alchemists and Chefs, and you will have a chance to find Collection Cards while you gather. It costs 1 Job Point to learn from Daise in Craftsman Fair in Freedom Harbor when you reach Lv.10. FORSAKEN WORLD BOTANY MAPS SLEEPING JUNGLE FREE
Free Spade upon learning the Botanist Job.īeing a Botanist is a basic Rosemason Job.Tutor: Daise in Craftsman Fair in Freedom Harbor.